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Thursday, May 7, 2015


1. Promotions
2. Media Planning
3. Turnaround

1.Stadium Personnel
2. Franchise Location

1. Ticket Pricing

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

I found that one of the easiest tasks was finding job openings at the NCAA and the different divisions that the job openings are in. I think having a partner made this more challenging then it would have been to do it on your own or with someone that you were comfortable with if you had been allowed to choose. I would have rather done this alone because you are able to do it in your own way and at your own discretion. I am not sure if it is because it is not only dependent on a partner but also on facts online. But I did prefer this over a test. I feel like this is would have been a better assessment of chapter 3 material if we were working alone.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Within the three divisions in the NCAA their are many huge differences and not much similarities throughout the divisions. One of the biggest things that they all say is that they focus on the student before the athlete, I would say this is true in Division III and maybe even Division II but I do not think this is true for Division I. Division I seems to focus on keeping athletes eligible more than an actual focus on understanding the material they are supposed to be learning. Also another main thing that is different from the divisions is scholarships. Although all three divisions say they focus on the student the concentration on academics increases through the divisions, which creates a major difference in not only the division but the student athletes life in the world after they graduate from college.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Endorsement and Piracy

Michael Jordan endorses Air Jordan by Nike.
David Ortiz endorses Dunkin Donuts and New Balance.
A-Rod endorses Vita Coco.
Peyton Manning endorses Papa Johns and Nationwide.
Mike Trout endorses BodyArmor.
Miguel Cabrera does not have any endorsements despite being very successful. 
Jonathan Toews endorses Bauer Hockey. 
Andrew Luck endorses BodyArmor. 

Piracy Example: 
Disney and Sony have come up with a plan that they hope will help keep the piracy rates down. Due to the recent issue with having movies illegally released while they are still in theaters they have decided to put the movie online to stream while in theaters to keep piracy rates down. Sony also had an issue with piracy recently with there movie the Interview. The company was hacked and threatened. They decided to release the movie online in fear that they would lose lots of money but that viewer would feel threatened at a theater.   

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Assignment 2

The Patriots foundation conducted a raffle where they would give tickets to the Super Bowl along with passes for pre game parties and events. All the proceeds for this raffle would go towards the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation.

This work with charity organizations and the Patriots having their own organization makes them seem very involved in the community and that they are doing something beneficial for the community. This work not only benefits the Patriots by making  their athletes seem very charitable by giving back to the community but also helps everyone else in the community by not only raising money but by also get to be involved with the team. I think it is a good way to get the athletes out and working in the community and I think it also makes them seem like more normal people which is also good. 

My Intro

Hello, I am Erin Dunn. I am 17 and a senior. I have a sister and a dog. I play volleyball and enjoy working out. I enjoy watching Netflix and listening to music. I also like to watch all sports.